About Masroor Centre for Healthcare
Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire) is a fast developing nation in West Africa. With a population of 23.74 million, the key demographics are as follows:
- Access to safe drinking water: 80%
- Access to proper sanitation: 23%
- Literacy Rate: 44%
- Life Expectancy: 54 years
- Maternal Mortality (per 100,000 live births): 614
- Under-5 Mortality (per 1,000 live births): 89
Per 100,000 people, the clinical capacity is 9 doctors, 31 nurses and 15 midwives. Whilst it is better in urban areas, there is a shortage in rural areas.
In many aspects, health outcomes have improved, for example in the last decade, infant mortality has reduced from 9% to 6.4% and the percentage of births classed as low-weight is falling. Births attended by skilled health staff have increased from 45% to 73.6%. Life expectancy has risen to 54 years. But there is still room for improvement. Equally, Ivory Coast has a prevalence of malaria, meningitis and yellow fever, and in recent years, chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are increasing.
In this context, the new hospital in Yopougon plans to act as a teaching hospital to increase clinical capacity in the country. Visiting specialists from Europe and North America will provide practical training for local clinicians. The hospital will offer lower-cost care but good quality care for the low-income communities subsidised by specialist services.

Brochure of Masroor Centre for Healthcare
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